We are all faced with challenges in life. The key to a smooth ride is to cultivate tools and techniques to help you best move through these challenges in healthy ways. Unhealthy ways can be more obvious like the abuse of drugs or alcohol for example used to escape. But unhealthy ways of coping can also be not so obvious, like an addition to working out, habits of binge-watching t.v. or even just busyness used as a way of denial or to avoid.
Alternately, spiritual and energy healing practices, like Reiki for example, are healthy tools that can help you in challenging times.
How, you ask?
Well, Reiki helps you to understand the greater purpose of this journey called life. Reiki gives you support for the journey. This “support” is connection to an inner strength that takes you into into a deep space of healing. This is an inner healing, for which you may not even recognize you “need to heal”.
As humans, we have a universal wound (our separateness) that we are trying to make sense of. Our wounding shows up uniquely for each of us as misunderstood and unloved aspects of self. We misinterpret this pain and spend our life trying to make it right. Do a better job. Become a better person. Work harder. Come out in front. THEN be loved and accepted by all.
As an alternate approach to getting trapped in this cycle, Reiki breaks the cycle and opens you up to a deep space of unconditional love. The awareness of this love within you then helps you to understand and heal your unloved aspects of self.
This self-healing practice helps you to develop your inner courage and strength, and makes it easier to shift the experience of your challenges. As you open to self-healing, harmony is created on all levels of self. You are then able to more frequently create states of pure harmony, peace and bliss within.
In addition to helping you flow through life challenges, learning and practicing Reiki offers many more benefits. Grab our free e-book to read about these benefits and discover whether learning Reiki Energy Healing could be perfect for you.
If you are interested in learning Reiki, check out our upcoming courses and Reiki Retreats in Costa Rica.